Friday, October 14, 2016

WMS Friday Family Message 10-14-16

It has been a fun and productive week at WMS. Our 8th Graders had an exciting day yesterday with a field trip to Washington D.C. yesterday. It was long trek with lots of walking, but based on the feedback the students really enjoyed it and learned a lot about our nation’s capital and the jewels of the National Mall, the Smithsonian Museums.

The 8th graders are not the only ones getting social studies field trips.Our 6th graders will be taking a trip to the Frontier Culture Museum on Monday. On October 27th 7th Graders will have the opportunity to see a play at the Paramount Theater about the Tuskegee Airmen.

Parent Conferences-October 18
Sign up for Walton October 18th Conferences:
PC 16 Sign Up.jpg

PTO Update
We are in the process of building our Parent Teacher Organization. The next PTO Meeting will be held November 3, 2016 at 6 p.m. in the WMS Library. At last night’s PTO meeting items discussed included Positive PAWS at WMS, the WMS Strategic Improvement Plan, establishing a clear mission for the PTO, ideas for getting feedback from the community, developing a PTO meeting schedule that works, and the Bond Referendum. We welcome your support and hope to see you on November 3.

SchoolsNEXT Team Starting
WMS is partnering with local architect and parent, Bill Bradley, to start a team to compete in the SchoolsNEXT Design Competition. The Association for Learning Environments’ SchoolsNEXT Design Competition challenges teams of students across the globe to address a pressing need, problem, or challenge by formulating an educational response and designing an appropriate learning environment – classroom, laboratory or studio, school building or campus – in support of their idea. This team will be open to all students with an interest in architecture, design, photo/video production, building and modeling, 3-D computer design, or just critical thinking and collaboration. The first meeting will be held from 4:15-5:30 p.m. on Monday October 24 with a parent informational meeting to be held from 5:30-5:45 p.m. Interested students can see Ms. Capps for more information.

Bond Referendum
This November 8, the ballot in Albemarle County will include not just candidates for President of the United States and for Congress, but also a question on whether the county should issue $35 million in general obligation bonds to finance improvements at 25 of 26 school facilities. Schools in all three of the county’s feeder patterns are involved.

To help ensure that voters are well-informed on the referendum before they cast their ballots, local government and the school division will be conducting a community information program.

The program will not advocate for or against the referendum, but will provide factual information about the projects and their impact on schools and taxpayers.

There are two more community forums hosted by the League of Women Voters in October:
  • Tuesday, October 11 | Monticello High School | 6 p.m.
  • Wednesday, October 26 | Albemarle High School | 6 p.m.
To learn more about the Bond Referendum please visit:

Upcoming Dates:
Monday, October 17: 6th Grade Field Trip to Frontier Culture Museum
Tuesday, October 18: Parent/Teacher Conferences 4:30-8:00 p.m.
Wednesday, October 19: Parks and Recreation Boys Basketball Game @ WMS 5:00 p.m.
Thursday, October 20: AVID Field Trip to UVA
Friday, October 21: Drama 7 and 8 Field Trip to Monticello High School
    Open Gym/Dance 4:00-6:00 p.m. 
Monday, October 24: First Meeting of SchoolsNext Team (See Above)
Wednesday, October 26: Community Forum on Bond Referendum at Albemarle High 6:00 p.m.
Thursday, October 27: End of First Nine Weeks
Tuskegee Airman Performance at Paramount with 7th Grade Social Studies
Student-Faculty Basketball Game
Parks and Recreation Girls Basketball Game @ Jouett MS 5:00 p.m.
Friday, October 28: Teacher Workday (No School for Students)
Tuesday, November 1: Parks and Recreation Girls Basketball Tournament @ Burley 5:00 p.m.
Wednesday, November 2: Parks and Recreation Boys Basketball Tournament @ Burley 5:00 p.m.
Saturday, November 5: Vendor Fair at WMS from 10:00 a.m.-2:00 p.m. Supporting WMS
Families in Crisis Holiday Assistance
Monday, November 7: Professional Development Day-No Students
Tuesday, November 8: Conference Trade-Off Day-No Students